Our Patent

Ultrasonic CIP

The field of invention is linked with heat exchange online cleaning which consists of set of ultrasonic devices installed on the tube sheet of the heat exchangers which on being actuated by a generator keep the tubes vibrating at ultrasonic frequency and prevent the scale crystal settling on the micro pores of the heating surface. LECIP™ keeps overall equipment performance consistent throughout the operation cycle by prevents scaling/fouling to occur. Scaling is universal problem for all kind of process industries, so is its applicability.

  • Title Ultrasonic CIP
  • Inventor Dinesh Kumar Saini
LECIP™ assists non-stop continuous operation of heat exchanging equipment, maximum capital utilization and productivity. Elimination of cost of downtime, manpower for cleaning, and chemicals. OPEX reduction and CAPEX reduction by avoiding standby.
Single solution for non-stop operation of any type of heat exchange unit i.e., evaporator/heat-exchanger/evaporator/condenser that facilitates continuous non-stop operation without shutting down the equipment for cleaning. Considerable overall performance improvement along with eliminated cleaning/de-scaling cost." Limpid Engineering Ultrasonic CIP system (LECIP™) absolutely prevents the scaling/fouling of the heating surface of the heat exchangers, evaporators, and crystallizers. LECIP using ultrasonic vibration to prevent the crystal of the scale to settle on the heating surface. System imparts ultrasonic low amplitude frequency in time pulsating manner to the heat exchanger elements through piezo-electric transducers installed at suitable positions on the tube sheet of the heat exchange element. Suitable for any type of tubular heat exchanger, plate type heat exchanger welded or gasket type.

No Standby

Since no shutdown for cleaning, no need to install or keep standby option for heat exchangers.

Environment Friendly

No need of chemical or mechanical cleaning, Environment friendly.

No Shutdowns

Simultaneous scaling prevention while operation.

Pocket Friendly

Lowest cost of keeping heating surface cleaned.